Services for individuals focus on addressing a multitude of issues, including:
*Conquering stress, anxiety, and panic attacks
*Coping with depression or rapid mood shifts
*Navigating through difficult life changes and transitions
*Learning to control anger that may lead to aggression or violence
*Recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder and trauma (i.e. physical or sexual abuse)
*Managing grief and loss
*Improving self-esteem and self-worth
*Exploring spirituality/faith
Services for children and adolescents generally focus on:
*Hyperactivity and attention issues
*Defiance or oppositional behavior
*Stress and anxiety
*Difficult life transitions and changes
*Anger control, aggression, and violence
*Recovering from trauma (i.e. sexual abuse, physical abuse, loss)
Services for couples focus on:
*Improving communication and working through conflict in positive ways
*Navigating through difficult life transitions (i.e. death, new baby, relocation, infidelity)
*Feeling stuck and unable to resolve differences on your own, rather than having the same argument over and over again
*Increasing your emotional and physical connection
*Pre-marital counseling
Family therapy is appropriate for all members of the family together or a smaller portion of the family. Issues addressed include:
*Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries
*Empowering caregivers to confidently deal with behavior difficulties with their children
*Improving communication
*Managing crisis, trauma, or loss
*Navigating through difficult transitions or life changes